Monday, June 22, 2015

Belated Father's Day

Life is always hectic and busy for us...sooooo what have we been up to?

We went to court in May.  We had a small victory, but still have to go back.  We were going to go again a few weeks ago, but it got pushed to October.  So, prayers my friends, prayers.  I know we have a TON of prayer warriors out there, so know that we love each and every one of you for the prayers, support, and encouragement.  Its been a long, tired road, but I'm just thankful that we've got a new court date.  And I'm promising myself to not wish away the months until October.  Because I've done that a little bit lately with our May and June court dates, and wishing days away is just no way to live.  Until October rolls around, we're just going to enjoy life and enjoy our family together.

Brandon and I went to Jamaica for a dear friend's wedding.  Oh my gosh ya'll.  Such a fun, crazy time!  We love our kids, but this is the first break we've had that lasted more than 48 hours.  I just felt like we could really focus on ourselves, our marriage, and friendships while we were away. 

We got back and hey....Laiken got to have her tonsils and adenoids removed.  Along with a new set of tubes for her ears!  Not really the greatest way to start summer, but I say go big or go home, right?  4 rounds of strep within like 7 weeks REALLY sucked during spring, and now she doesn't snore, so its a win-win for us all!  10 days of no strenuous activity almost put us in the crazy house.

You know what's even crazier??  As soon as Laiken was back to 100%, the dog got sick!  And I'm not talking, "oh she just threw up half of a tennis ball" sick.  I'm talking, she couldn't eat or drink and keep it down for over 24 hours.  So that was fun.  Somehow though, only my dog chooses to act completely normal at the vet.  Literally, we pull up, and there she goes throwing up outside, but as soon as we walk in for a check-up, she wants to play with every dog in there, and is like so excited to see her vet friends.  What in the world???  Long story short....a few x-rays, IV fluids, Rx's, and specialty food later, she made it through.  Don't you dare think in your brain, "oh poor Cheyenne...".  I think she's making this a yearly tradition.  At least this time we weren't stuck at the emergency vet until midnight.  This all happens because she likes to dig through the trash. 

My brother is getting married in a month, and we are SO excited to celebrate with him and Kayley!  We haven't all been on a BIG family vacation with my side of the family since I was a little girl, so saddle up friends, its gonna be fun!!!  Hopefully we aren't all too overwhelming for my sweet husband.  The kids are PUMPED about the wedding, and teaching them their jobs as flower girl and ring bearer have been quite funny to watch. 

And now, for the REAL reason for this post.  Father's Day.  And our 3 year anniversary.  Kind of all wrapped up into one blog.

Let's start with my daddy.  He's the best, ya'll.  Even more than that, he's the best Grumpy to my kids.  He loves my babes, and they love him.  He gives them scooter rides around just because.  He probably sneaks them more candy than I'll ever know.  He colors with them.  He laughs with them.  He loves on them.  He always taught me to be myself, and stand up for my values.  He showed me how a husband should love his wife, and that he should work hard to provide for his family.  I cannot ever remember a time where he wasn't present.  He came all the way back from a long business trip just to make senior night when I was a cheerleader in high school.  I'll never forget that.  Another thing I'll never forget is the letter he wrote on my wedding day.  Unfortunately, he was so ill that he couldn't attend, but ole Kerry wouldn't ever miss something just because he wasn't there!  I was going to try to type it up, but friends, my brother Jared just talks wayyyy too fast.  I may be an interpreter, but I ain't no transcriptionist!  Put it this way-there wasn't a dry eye after that letter was read!

Then there's my father-in-law, Doug.  Ya'll.  He's hilarious.  He learned how to do the Dougie just for our wedding and performed!  He loves God, and loves his family.  He'd do anything to help someone in need.  He is always looking to make everyone feel included and have a good time.  I can't count how many vacations, lake trips, and Dollywood trips we've made together.  When Brandon and I were dating, Doug and I used to go on Cracker Barrell dates often.  He is a good man.  It is completely obvious that he taught his sons how to love their families and provide for them.  What most people may not know about Doug is that he is a mentor.  I cannot tell you how many sports teams he's coached through the years, or how many kids in need he has helped.  I am here to tell you-boys need a positive role model!  And he has definitely done that.  We still have friends who call Doug family because of his positive influence in their lives.  I am so grateful and blessed to have him as a father-in-law.  I am certain that my kids love having him as "Pa", as my niece calls him.

Brandon has been amazing since day one.  Marriage has taught us how to live together, and what's really important in life.  Parenthood has been a whole different ballgame.  I was thinking today, how when I got that call that changed my life forever, Brandon was so calm!  He just called and was like, "so hey, there's some kids we need to keep a little bit, ok?"  Don't get me wrong here, but usually the males are the ones who are a little freaked out by having kids when they're not their biological children.  Not my husband.  He just picked up and started fatherhood like nobody's business.  And let me tell you something.  Nothing gives me more joy than to hear him giggle with the kids.  I can't tell you how many trips to "the man store" (Lowe's) he and Issak have gone on.  Laiken loves when he brushes her hair.  He's let her paint his toenails pink.  (Sorry babe!  Your secret is out!)  She's currently begging for a "daddy daughter date night" ASAP.  Issak wants to change his name to Brandon most days.  He likes to pretend he's working on the house, "just like dad."  Brandon has  shown both of our kids how a man should love his family and his wife.  He's shown them how to respect others, and how to gain respect in return.

What I really love about all of the men in my life, is this thing they have in common.  They've all filled some sort of mentor roles.  Dad and Doug were sports coaches and RA's leaders in church growing up.  All three of these sweet men love Jesus.  Brandon has made the choice to open his heart to children who needed a forever family.  So to every father on Father's Day, whether you're a mentor, a father, an adoptive father, a foster father, whatever you are...  If you're making a difference in a child's life, thank you.  Thank you for showing them what life can be like when good choices are made.  Thank you for showing them what a good work ethic looks like.  Thank you for teaching them how to drive.  Thank you for being the goofy, embarrassing dad.  Thank you for being you, and for loving a child unconditionally just as Christ loves us.

I love the men in my life, and am so thankful they are all so wonderful.  Happy Father's Day, ya'll!