Friday, April 4, 2014

Parenthood: Week 2

Sooooo hey, we've been parents for two and a half weeks!  Life has been CRAZZZZYYYY!!!  But it's also been super fulfilling. Here's what we've learned.   (In list format because we all know I'm Type A and LOOOVEEE lists!)

1. Life can change in an instant. I've depended on Brandon more in the last two weeks than I have in a long time. Be a team!!  Teamwork is amazing.  Parenting is so much better that way. I see people who parent against each other or even cut each other down. It's so sad.  Teamwork makes everything in marriage better, including parenthood. 

2. Have faith that God will provide. We've been incredibly blessed in very unexpected ways. He is amazing and has touched our hearts in very special ways. I'm overwhelmed by God's grace. God is so very good, all the time and all the time, God is good. 

3. Some people don't want to have children and I always wondered why. Now I understand. Don't get me wrong, we want children eventually (maybe even sooner after this ordeal is over or whatever) but now I understand why kids aren't for everyone. If you want kids, you have to be ready to deal with messes, chaos, and accidents along with all kinds of fun. It's ok, we go with the flow and pick up or fix things....but I understand why some people don't want kids. Like I said though, if I've learned anything through this, it just makes me have a stronger desire to have kids one day. 

There are probably many more things I've learned, but I'm tired and I feel that a 3-item list is sufficient. (Kind of like how you learn in school that for outlines, "every I has a II" and "every A has a B".)  

It's kind of crazy, but I find myself wondering while I'm working what the kids are doing at school. If they're having fun, if their lunch is yummy, who their friends are, etc.  I get Fridays off with the kids, so that's great, but this has made me realize how much I'd love to just stay home and teach my babies letters and numbers and all kinds of fun things more than just one weekday per week. But, since this was very unplanned on our part (but perfectly planned by Jesus) we just take our workdays in stride until we make it to the weekend.  The kids love school and I think it's great for them to learn in a formal educational environment. 

My husband is an incredible father and I've been amazed to watch how easily this whole thing has come to him. The kids love him and I think he's pretty special too. We don't know how long this road will last, but regardless, I know God put us here for a reason. To change these babies lives for the better. So here we are. 26 and parents to some toddlers. Our lives are crazy and chaotic, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Some pics for the road because hey, it's what parents do. We think our kids are the cutest. 😊

Firehall visit with Miss Megan and Ryder

Duck Dynasty twins!

Hot wheels from Miss Jess and Mr Nabil!

Stylin in his new shirt from Lindsey!

Thanks, Miss Julie!

First day of preschool

Silly little boogers wearing new duds from Aunt Toni

"Look it fits me so I'm just going to wear this everyday!"

New quilt from Aunt Carolyn!

Look at my new quilt!

Cookies at Grandma Jo's

He has my heart forever.  He had it when we got married a few years ago, but my love for him has grown one hundredfold since then. I love him. 😍

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