Sunday, October 26, 2014


We've cheered a long, hard season. We pulled out a perfect season, until yesterday. It was first round of playoffs, and an expected win. We played the number four seed team and went into overtime. Somehow, we just didn't pull through. Not only did we lose, but it kicked us out of the championship game. Devastating. I am a very competitive person, so losing really wasn't fun. I'll just say it. It sucked. None of us were pleased about the outcome of the game. So, our undefeated streak came to an end. We had a wonderful season of cheering on our bobcats and I am so blessed to have coached the girls. 

As I was driving home from the game, I just stopped to think about life. Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes you come to a valley that you just have no clue how to dig your way out of it. Sometimes, you don't even know how or what to pray when you sit down to talk to God.  Several friends/family members have either become very sick or even died recently and I've had to think "God, why them?"  This is just part of his plan though, and I have to trust in His perfect will.  Not only that, but we've been dealing with some junk at our house recently.  You know, the stuff no one wants to post on Facebook because it isn't pretty. It would mean we weren't living the perfect lives. Like the time Laiken was struggling to complete work at school. Or the day I was just mad at the world because I had to do laundry. Or the time I scheduled family pictures without asking my husband. Oops. Reality check:  no one is perfect. No person's life is 100% drama and stress free. Ever. If you think yours is, I'm glad you are so positive and I'm not trying to be negative nancy, but let's be more honest with ourselves and our friends. Here's what I'll tell ya. We may feel defeated, but God will get us through it. With his grace and mercy, we are able to press on.  He will fight for us when we commit to following his perfect will. 

Guess what else comes when we commit to his crazy plans?  


Something I long for often. Peace that we are doing the right thing. Peace that we are showing these babes what a family is. Peace that they're developing and growing in every aspect, especially emotionally. Peace that they will be able to feel loved, yet not feel guilty for loving us. Peace that comes with seeing Jesus and learning about his love for them, even when they're naughty. Peace that Jesus made them special, and that red hair and freckles are beautiful, not ugly. Peace that even when we show our anger through hitting, Jesus forgives and we can have a do-over.  Peace that everything will be alright, no matter what God's plan is for our family's future. 

I am so thankful for a forgiving and graceful God. I'm also glad for a just God. He will fight for us no matter what. Because if God is for us, who can be against us?   Some days, I just need to remember that and pray for wisdom to follow His plan. And then the anxiety is washed away by an overwhelming sense of calm. He will calm the storms, no matter what it is. So if you have "junk", guess what?  We are all right in there with ya. Chances are, if we haven't gone through it, someone we know has. So love each other and build each other up. I cannot express how much a small word of encouragement can boost our confidence that we are being obedient to God's will. 

We took family pics on Saturday. I figured, we've been together 7 months, why not?  We are a family and continue to plan on being one, so let's make some memories. This was a first, and the kiddos really had lots of fun with it.  It was also a great way to boost our girl's confidence. No six year old should wish she had different hair or skin. So we are on a mission to change her opinion of herself. If you see her, pay her a compliment on those freckles or that strawberry blonde hair. Thanks in advance. I'm also very proud to announce that in a week, Brandon has already lost almost ten pounds. YALL.  Who is he?!?  I am so proud of him for working on this to be a better dad and healthier husband. 

Until next time, it sounds like Laiken has her heart set on dance or tumbling in her spare time. Issak is almost old enough for his own activity, and I know he can't wait to start some kind of sport. Halloween is this week and it will be frighteningly fun!  We've got lots of fun activities in store and I cannot wait to trick or treat!  Also, go "boo" a neighbor with a treat bag. Then it's their turn to "boo" someone else on the block.  Holla for new traditions. Oh, and Christmas is around the corner. Seriously. I've already started shopping for the kiddos. It's not about the gifts, but I'm more excited to share our traditions with them. Thanksgiving is gonna be FAB-U-LOUS!

A few pics for the road. 

Cheer cuties

Laiken and Connor at homecoming. 

We sure flattened the Falcons, but this week, the Panthers prevailed. 

Date day with friends in the mountains. 

Pumpkin carving was a first. 

Halloween masks. 

Double trouble 

After-park treat. 

The Creamery never gets old. 

The latest must-have. Cheetah fake glasses. Everyone's sporting them. 

Go "boo" a neighbor!  Whether they have kids or not!

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