Monday, June 9, 2014

Marriage: Year Two

I cannot believe that I married my best friend two years ago today. As I look back, I remember how stressed I was up until the day of, but then how relaxed I was on our special day. I remember that my daddy was too sick to attend, and I had to break the news to everyone via text that morning because I was too upset to even mention it. I had prayed and prayed the weather would be gorgeous, and it was perfect.  Then, the special moment came where I got to see Brandon before the ceremony. I'll never forget that big smile that beamed on his face. It was a very special and magical day that we shared before God and our closest friends and family.  A few pics from June 9th, 2012. 

Us with our beautiful flower girls, Emma and Bella. 

Our entire wedding party. Friends are such a blessing, and we have lots of 'em!

Jared reading my sweet daddy's letter to us. I'll post it one of these days, but even thinking about that letter makes me cry. 


After the wedding with my daddy. Just a few short hours later, he had emergency gall bladder surgery. Thankfully, he is much better now. 

Love him. 

Fast forward to now. We've been married two years, moved once, added another pup to the mix, and in the last two months, we've added two toddlers to our house. I'm not quite sure either of us expected to have two children under the age of five when we were 26 years old.  Some days I wake up and think, "what in the world are we doing with our lives?"  This isn't quite something we even really discussed doing before the actual day we took the kids into our home. I'm going to be honest. I miss the days of just us being able to spend time together. We still get alone time, but those days or even evenings are few and far between. 

Let me tell you what I have noticed though.  Brandon loves these kids so much. He's always willing to play with them, do puzzles, or even just snuggle and watch a movie. (More than likely it's Frozen, which he's seen 28464 times and is still willing to watch it.). This man that I am blessed to call my husband voluntarily took in two children we barely knew because they needed to be loved on. We've become a cute little family over the last two months. Are we perfect?  Of course not. But we are blessed. I know we are following God's will for our lives and he has answered every prayer about these kids. 

Here's another secret:  I'm afraid we will have to send them home. I can't get into details, but of course their parents want them back. My besties know I've been struggling over this for a few weeks.  I'm terrified that I won't be able to be there to protect them, hold their hand at the dentist, or tickle them before bedtime.  Know what else I've learned?  God has a plan. There's a reason we have these children in our lives right now. It may not be clear what the reason is, but we have to focus on the task at hand. It's not my job to fret over the future, but to just hold fast to the fact that God is in control.  So for however long we have these babies, whether it's a few short months or much longer, we are committed to taking care of them and showing them the love of Jesus. 

So here's to many, many more crazy years of marriage with my best friend. He's always been able to make me laugh and knows when to just let me cry it out after a long, hard day. I am so so blessed to be married to my sweet man, Brandon Lawson. 

At Lindsey and Josh's rehearsal dinner. 

Lindsey and Josh's wedding!

I am lucky enough to call him my husband. I love you, Mr. Lawson!

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