Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Adventures of Coco and Cheyenne

Brandon has started trying to teach Cheyenne the basics of doggy etiquette. She's a little wild and crazy, so he borrowed a shock collar (YIKES!) from our friends.  She's learning to sit, stay, walk on a leash, and not to jump on humans. I'm proud to say she's becoming an upstanding member of doggie society. 

Recently, we've been trying to take the girls to the dog park every chance we get. It feels so great outside and I know they have a ton of energy to get out!  It's always funny to watch them when we get there. 

Coco is kind of a diva (ok, a really BIG diva) and this is what she tends to do.
Explore on her own. She might be a little bit of an introvert. 

Then there's Cheyenne. This is how SHE explores at the dog park. 
She's the brown blur on the left.  Running around like a crazy girl!

Then, there are dogs like this one. I could not believe the amount of slobber coming out of this guy's mouth.  
It was NASTY!  Let's hope and pray Cheyenne never gets super slobbery like this. 

Last time we went, Brandon tried to teach Cheyenne to jump from the dock to get the frisbee.  
Instead, the frisbee just got stuck in the water. We're still working on the dock-jumping skill. 

She finally decided to jump in from the other side of the bank with some coercion to get the frisbee. 

Oh look!  Coco found a boyfriend!  She liked him a LOT.

The girls love the hanging on the deck too. 

Lots of more fun things to come!

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